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AHCA Product of the Week: Infection Preventionist (IPCO)


AHCA/NCAL’s Infection Preventionist Specialized Training (IPCO) is recommended for individuals responsible for infection prevention and control in all long term care settings and is specifically tailored to train Infection Preventionists (IPs) in nursing facilities.  

CMS mandates that nursing facilities have a designated and specially trained Infection Preventionist who is implementing a comprehensive infection prevention and control program. CMS guidance states that facilities should consider a backup IP when the primary IP is not available. AHCA also highly recommends that every nursing facility train at least two clinical staff members as IPs should one IP resign or not be available.  

F880—Infection Control remains the #2 most frequent CMS citation. In addition, CMS has a special focus in 2023 on F-Tag 882 covering infection preventionist training. RNs and LPNs/LVNs have the professional training necessary to serve as a SNF IP and must provide evidence of additional specialized training per CMS regulation.

IPCO is provided for 24.5 ANCC contact hours and 24.5 NAB CEs for administrators. Completion certificates are valid for three years.  

Click here for information about renewing an AHCA IPCO Certificate.  

Program Fees  

AHCA/NCAL Member: $200
Non-member: $450