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Medicaid Rate Calculator


Traditionally, NCHCFA has made an Excel Medicaid Rate Calculator file available as a member benefit to assist providers in understanding their Medicaid rates. An updated file for the July 1-September 30, 2022 Medicaid rates has been posted.  

This file features an easier to use format. The user enters their facility NPI and this information is used to populate the other data needed for the rate calculation. Users of the file can also enter a hypothetical Medicaid case-mix value to determine the impact of the case-mix change. Users of the file can also review their Fair Rental Value rate calculation and estimate the impact of proposed renovations and square footage renovations. Users can also review their 2016 and newer Capital Data Submissions to ensure their calculated rates include all of the information that was submitted by the provider.   

This updated, user-friendly file can be accessed at