UPDATE Weekly #1966 – April 25, 2018

On-Line & Mobile Version

This Week’s Table of Contents:


Make plans today to join your colleagues for the seventh annual NCHCFA Summer Symposium. The three-day event will be August 8-10, 2018 at the Embassy Suites Resort at Kingston Plantation, Myrtle Beach, SC. Call the Embassy Suites Resort at (800) 876-0010 to reserve your overnight room. Use group code “HCF” to identify yourself as a NC Health Care Facilities Association Convention attendee! To make your reservation on-line, visit https://tinyurl.com/ncsummersymposium2018.

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The North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association will be presenting this workshop to our members for the fifth time! This workshop was offered across the state of NC in 2017 with great success and outstanding reviews. If you missed it last year, sign up today!

Servant leadership is a set of behaviors and practices that turn the traditional “power leadership” model upside down; instead of the people working to serve the leader, the leader exists to serve the people. When leaders shift their mindset and serve first, they unlock purpose and ingenuity in those around them, resulting in higher performance and engaged, fulfilled employees. As servant leaders, your purpose is to inspire and equip those you influence.

The goal of this workshop is to provide attendees with information and tools that are relevant, transformative, memorable, and actionable. You will learn and practice execution of the most critical skills needed for leading by serving first. You will come out of this course feeling energized and have a number of tools and skills you can start to apply immediately to empower your teams.

This workshop will be Thursday, May 24th in Greensboro, NC. It will be facilitated by Mark Gogal, a Human Resources Leader with over 25 years of progressive, global, and diverse human resources experience, practical business partnering expertise, strong organizational and analytical skills, and proven strategic management experience. Mark is an enthusiastic and passionate leader and presenter that has a multi-faceted background in developing and implementing core HR policies/practices to meet the changing business, legal, and labor compliance environment. He has worked in a variety of industries in the public and private sectors including healthcare. Mark truly enjoys developing others to reach their fullest potential both professionally and personally.

For the complete brochure and registration information, click here.

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NCHCFA Districts have scheduled their spring meetings. District meetings allow participants to interact with peers in a comfortable atmosphere, promoting valuable and productive conversation. Each space will be limited to 50 individuals. There will be a small registration cost of $35.00 to help with the speaker fee. Lunch will be provided.

This program will offer 4.0 contact hours for nursing home administrators. The North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association is a Registered Sponsor of continuing education with the NC State Board of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators. Comments regarding the Registered Sponsor Course may be addressed to: NCBENHA, 3733 National Drive, Suite 110, Raleigh, NC 27612.

The agenda will include the following topics/presentations:


10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Alliant Quality (QIN-QIO) –Alliant Quality will present an update on NC’s facilities’ quality measures.

10:30 AM – 2:30 PM
All Clear Emergency Management Group, LLC – Will Moorhead, President and Owner of All Clear Emergency Management Group, LLC, will dive into the “how to” of the exercise requirement of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services emergency preparedness rule. Learn how to design, conduct, and evaluate an exercise in a nursing home environment. The session will briefly review the CMS requirements, provide practical tips for efficiently completing a useful risk assessment, and examine the contents of a CMS compliant and practically applicable emergency plan. This review of the CMS requirements will demonstrate how exercise design is more easily accomplished when utilizing the best practices for risk assessment and emergency planning. Participants will be guided through information and steps that can be utilized for exercise design within their facility.

District II
May 8th
Wilkes Senior Village
204 Old Brick Yard Road
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Click here for District II registration form

District III
May 22nd
Clapp’s Mountain Top Living Apartments
450 Mountain Top Drive
Asheboro, NC 27203
Click here for District III registration form

District IV
May 9th
Bradley Creek Health Center at Carolina Bay
630 Carolina Bay Drive
Wilmington, NC 28403
Click here for District IV registration form

District V
May 23rd
Cypress Glen Retirement Community
100 Hickory Street
Greenville, NC 27858
Click here for District V registration form

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NCHCFA has a new benefit of membership in 2018—a monthly Lunch and Learn Webinar Series. NCHCFA will offer a one-hour Webinar on a timely and relevant topic to its members for no additional charge. There will be no CEUs offered for these Webinars.

The next Webinar in the series is scheduled for May 17th, from 12 noon-1:00 PM. Mark your calendar today! Webinar details are below:

Title: Therapy, Therapy, Therapy – Things Every SNF Needs to Know

Presenter: Iain Stauffer, Poyner Spruill, LLP, Rhonda Craig, RC Consulting

Therapy continues to be one of the most profitable services SNFs offer, as evidenced by the growth of short-term rehab units across the country. Nothing is more maddening than to develop a busy rehab program, only to have Medicare and/or Medicaid agency contractors recoup large sums of money for allegedly inappropriate or unnecessary therapy services. This Webinar will examine the common sources of problems that lead to issues with therapy services and claims for repayment, including documentation; coordination with outside therapy vendors; management of therapy staff and related issues. Providers need to know both before providing services, and after receipt of a repayment demand, how to manage the provision of therapy services and how to respond to claims for records and repayment/recoupment.

Registration details will be provided soon!

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The American Health Care Association (AHCA) National Skilled Nursing Care Week (NSNCW) is May 13-19, 2018! NSNCW, formerly known as National Nursing Home Week, provides an opportunity to recognize the role of skilled nursing care centers in caring for America’s seniors and individuals with disabilities. This year’s theme, “Celebrating Life’s Stories”, serves as a tribute to life’s most significant events, relationships and experiences that shape the unique perspectives of residents, families, staff, and volunteers in long term and post-acute care.

Are you ready to start “Celebrating Life’s Stories”? AHCA is excited to release the 2018 NSNCW Planning Guide and Product Catalog! Visit the NSNCW Website to download the guide and purchase 2018 products now http://bit.ly/2hFJAjr. Members are encouraged to place orders early for best product selection (color, size, and available quantities). NSNCW items are very popular and will sell out.

Don’t forget to “Like” the NSNCW Facebook page here for updates and to see what centers are planning during this special week, May 13-19, 2018, and be sure to use the hashtag, #NSNCW in any social media posts related to the observance.

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It’s time to register and make plans to join your colleagues from around the country in beautiful San Diego for the most valuable long term and post-acute care gathering of the year. You will be treated to fantastic education sessions designed to help you meet the challenges of today. Earn CEUs while learning from top-notch speakers, engaging in priceless discussions, and making connections with people you can call upon throughout the year.

Early bird registration discount ends July 20th! Click here to register now.

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Quality Measure Overview

  • Reports the percentage of low risk residents who lose control of their bowel or bladder in a 7-day look-back period.
  • Resident will trigger this measure if the most recent Minimum Data Set (MDS) H0300/H0400 is coded as frequently or always incontinent.


  • Target assessment is admission, Medicare Prospective Payment System 5-day assessment, or readmission/return assessment.
  • Resident has high-risk conditions such as severe cognitive impairment or total dependence in bed mobility, transfers, and locomotion.
  • Resident does not qualify as high risk (see above) and both of the following two conditions are true: C0500 and C0700/C1000 coded as [99], [^], or [-].
  • Resident does not qualify as high risk and any of the following three conditions are true: G0110A1, G0110B1, G0110E1 coded as [-].
  • Resident is comatose or comatose status is missing.
  • Resident has an indwelling catheter or status is missing.
  • Resident has an ostomy or status is missing.
  • Resident is not in the numerator and H300 or H400 is coded as [-].

MDS Coding Requirements
In the MDS:

  • Include a look-back period of seven days.
  • Select H0300 (urinary continence) if the resident is always continent, occasionally incontinent, frequently incontinent, always incontinent, not rated due to indwelling catheter, condom, or urinary ostomy, or has had no urine output for entire seven days.
  • Select H0400 (bowel continence) if the resident is always continent, occasionally incontinent, frequently incontinent, always incontinent, not rated due to ostomy or has had no bowel movement for entire seven days.

Ask These Questions:

  • Was the MDS coded per Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) requirements?
  • Is the staff member’s coding documentation accurate?
  • Are underlying conditions reviewed and treated for potential causative factors for incontinence (e.g., diabetes, kidney dysfunction, hypertension, medication adverse side effects, etc.)?
  • Was the resident evaluated for elimination patterns for at least three days and were toilet programs developed to address individualized patterns?
  • Was the resident re-evaluated for elimination patterns whenever there was a change in cognition, physical ability, or urinary tract function?
  • Is continence managed through a check-and-change program if the resident is not appropriate for a toilet program?
  • Is there documentation to support the:
    • Implementation of an individualized, resident-specific toilet program based on an assessment of the resident’s unique voiding pattern?
    • Communication of the individualized program to staff members and resident through a care plan, flow records, and a written report?
    • Resident’s response to the program and subsequent evaluations?

To download the Tip Sheet, click here http://nursinghnc.webfactional.com/files/2018/04/QMtipsheet-bowelbladderincontinence-9-27-16-11SOW-GMCFQIN-C2-16-51.pdf

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This new edition has updated and expanded chapters on caring for children’s physical, mental, and behavioral health following a disaster. New chapters address climate change, global complex human emergencies, caring for patients with HIV/AIDS following a disaster, information technology and disaster response, and hospital and emergency department preparedness. The text provides a vast amount of evidence-based information on disaster planning and response for natural and environmental disasters and those caused by chemical, biological, and radiological elements, as well as disaster recovery. It also addresses leadership, management, and policy issues in disaster nursing and deepens our understanding of the importance of protecting mental health throughout the disaster life cycle.

To order, visit http://www.AHCApublications.org or call (800) 321-0343. Fax orders may also be placed at (800) 869-5605.

Product #8320

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This DVD, Mobility and Safe Movement of the Elderly, Improving Your Skills to Prevent Injuries and Reduce Falls, by Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L., FOTA, Dementia Care & Training Specialist, was developed in conjunction with Wake Allied Health Education Center, Durham Technical Community College and the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Office of Information Systems. The content is formatted in separate segments in order to customize the delivery of content to your learning objective. Handouts developed by Teepa accompany each video and may be reproduced. To order, e-mail your request to Donna Snyder at donnas@nchcfa.org. The price is $35.00 (tax and shipping included).

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Providers Choose their own Technology Paths

Provider Magazine Article

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In 2014, scientists uncovered the 37-million-year-old remains of a “colossus” or “mega” penguin species on Seymour Island in the Antarctic Peninsula. Based on their findings, researchers estimated that the massive bird would have been 6.5 feet tall and would have weighed more than 250 pounds.

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North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association
5109 Bur Oak Circle | Raleigh, NC 27612
(919) 782-3827 Fax | (919) 787-8418 | NCHCFA.org

Categories: UPDATE Weekly