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Meet Our Pledge Partners of the Week: Centralina AAA & SchedulePop!

Centralina Schedule POP

Meet Centralina AAA! Centralina AAA is one of the 16 Area Agencies on Aging in North Carolina. There purpose is to plan, develop, coordinate, and deliver a wide range of long-term senior services and supports to consumers in the region. They take local needs and preferences into consideration to create a delivery system tailored to the community. Check out their website or contact Hillary Kaylor at to learn more.  

Meet SchedulePop! SchedulePop for Healthcare provides a master, standardized healthcare scheduling system and methodology for facilities of any size or complexity. It also provides simple, elegant solutions that are purpose-built for the unique requirements of Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, and other senior living facilities. Check out their website or contact Robert Renquist at to learn more.