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Join Us for a 4-Part Webinar Series on Behavior Health Beginning May 2

Webinar Series by Barbara Speedling

Barbara Speedling, Quality of Life Specialist, will present a 4-part webinar series titled, “Behavior Health: Care Process for Residents with Dementia” on May 2, May 3, May 9, and May 10. All webinars are from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.  

Here is a summary of each session: 

MAY 2, Part 1: The Dementia Epidemic 

The intent and objectives of this course are reviewed in tandem with the revised federal regulations for trauma-informed care and behavioral health. The numbers of long-term care residents with dementia grows every day, resulting in new challenges to achieving quality-of life and psychosocial well-being. This conversation offers a fresh perspective on developing a person-centered assessment and care plan process. 

MAY 3, Part 2: Do You Know Me? 

Dementia affects every victim differently. This conversation explores the most effective methods to capture a truly person-centered view of the individual. Addressing the needs of each resident requires a holistic approach to understanding the pre-dementia personality and lifestyle. Comorbid conditions, such as depression or anxiety, require careful consideration in the development of the care plan. This session revisits some of the tools introduced during the dementia focused survey project and their value in today’s assessment process. 

MAY 9, Part 3: Creating a Livable Environment 

How do you measure the quality of life of an individual? How do you describe the culture of your long-term care community? In this session, we will explore the elements and circumstances that resulted in an environment that is truly livable. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on long-term care as an industry and as individual communities. This session offers a blueprint for rebuilding your community and achieving the cultural confidence and trauma informed perspective required to promote healing and recovery. 

MAY 10, Part 4: Compliance and Quality 

The revised regulations for residents’ rights require that we establish clear criteria for establishing capacity, particularly as it relates to the admission to and discharge from a secure memory care unit. In this final conversation, we will review the elements required for a compliant memory care environment. Additionally, we will review the intent and value of utilizing the Quality Assurance Performance Improvement process to ensure that your hard work is sustained over time.  

Series Registration Fee: $225 per person
*Register for all four webinars at a discount 

Individual Webinar Registration Fee: $70 per person
*Can’t attend all? Individual registration is available for each session. 

CEUs: Up to 6.0 hours for the series; 1.5 hours per session 

Click here to register and learn more.